Monday, October 30, 2006

It's almost here...

Good evening!

There isn't much new to mention since yesterday. Just a reminder that we'll have your Science test tomorrow morning. Also, the reading questions for Mrs. Frisby will also be due tomorrow. I'll just collect these to check for completion since we won't have time to go over them during classtime tomorrow.

I can't wait to see all the Halloween costumes and I hope that everyone has a happy and safe Halloween! Here's an informative little article on how to be safe.

Have a great Halloween!

See you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's Almost Halloween!

Halloween is just around the corner. Here's the plan for Tuesday. You can wear your costumes to school but just wear the basic part and if you have extras to add, put them on for the afternoon only. In other words, add your makeup or props for the afternoon only please. You can also change into your costume at noon if you prefer.

We will have regular classes on Tuesday morning, then we will have DARE as usual from 1-2 pm. After DARE, we'll have a class Halloween party with some games, spooky stories, and treats.

Homework and assignments coming up are as follows:

1) Science review sheet for Monday. We'll go over the correct answers during classtime tomorrow and have our Science test on Tuesday morning.

2) Spelling Unit 8 is due on Thursday so you will have one extra day to complete your work this week.

3) Social Studies Test on topics 1-5 on Thursday

4) Math Test on Addition and Subtraction of whole numbers and decimals will be this Friday.

5) Reading questions are due Tuesday for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimph

Also, we will begin creating posters and written pieces for Remembrance Day this week. The theme for this year's contest is "Share the Story".

I hope everyone has had a good weekend. I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Smarties, M & M's, Junior Mints...

I thought that'd get your attention! Halloween is coming and we've got some crafts planned and a bit of a party next Tuesday afternoon. You can all dress up in the afternoon (maybe the morning..I'll check tomorrow) and we'll have a class party after our DARE class on Tuesday afternoon. We can play some games after DARE and have some fun. The younger kids are going to do a costume parade at some point after lunch. If you all dress up, we could even join them.

As for upcoming assignments and homework:

1) Writing Journals (Text-to-self) is due tomorrow morning
2) Science Review Sheet (Finish this for tomorrow and we'll go over it for our test next Monday.)
3) Social Studies Test is next Thursday on topics one to five
4) Bring your reading log tomorrow for a check up
5) Reading questions for Mrs. Frisby will be due on Monday - You will have some class time tomorrow morning.
6) Spelling Unit 8 will be due next Thursday (I'll give you an extra day because of Halloween.)

Other news:

- Bring items for Operation Christmas Child if you would like to help out. Many of you have already done this. Thanks so much!

- Book orders for November and the Holiday Gift forms will be due on November 8th. Kelsey reminded me that we don't have school on the 10th..thank you for that. Our last order is still 'processing' according to the account status I checked online so we likely won't receive it for a few days yet.

- There will be a "Fall Frolic" Dance next week Friday. I believe that's November 3rd. The cost is the same as the last what you pull up to $3.00

- Don't forget your weekly spelling list test is tomorrow as usual.

Have a good evening!

Miss Keil

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Subway Day

Many students enjoyed subs at lunch today. They were really quite good considering how many had to be made.

We had a bus evacuation drill today. It went well with the exception of some muddy pants after not quite getting on our feet out of the bus...nothing that Tide can't handle, I'm sure.

There isn't a lot of homework for tomorrow especially for those who worked over the weekend.

1) Spelling Unit 7 Assignment
2) Social Studies Grids

Remember that Friday is black and orange day. Wear these colours and show your school spirit and earn some points for your house too!

Also, please bring items for Operation Christmas Child. Everything goes to children in countries where they don't normally receive Christmas presents. Some things you can bring are wash clothes, tooth brushes, hard candy, combs, school supplies, and the like. Everything MUST be new.

I'd just like to remind everyone to bring back their Parent-Teacher-Student interview forms ASAP. If you aren't quite sure when you can make it, take your time but it would be nice to have them back soon so that arrangements can be made.

I sent home the November book order forms today which I realize seems very early since we just got the October ones in. However, I received the October forms very late so there's not much I can do about that. The due date for November forms (and the Holiday Gift Book forms when I get these) will be November 10th. I expect we'll have our October book orders next Tuesday or Wednesday but I can't promise anything.

I hope everyone enjoys the evening. The weather has improved a bit today. See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Monday, October 23, 2006

A short week.

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. It's going to be a busy week this week.

For homework:
1) Spelling Lesson 7 is due on Wednesday
2) You need to hand in a good copy of one of your Halloween stories/poems/invitations tomorrow.
3) IF your guidance timeline hasn't been completed, that must get finished tomorrow. Ask to use the computer during the day.
4) Social Studies Grids are due tomorrow

(I feel like I am forgetting something so make sure you've checked your agenda as well.)

Other news:

- Subway Day is tomorrow if you ordered a sub for lunch.
- There will be a bus evacuation drill tomorrow morning
- Friday is orange and black day and our school assembly
- We will have a presentation on energy from SaskPower on Wednesday morning
- Intramural volleyball will resume on Wednesday at lunchtime

That's about it for now. See you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Friday, October 20, 2006

Halloween Websites

Here are some websites on Halloween including details about the history and traditions behind this popular holiday.

1) Ben and Jerry's Halloween

2) Time for Kids

3) Kids' Turn Central


5) (Halloween)

Happy Halloween!

Miss Keil

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why is the snow still here?

I really hope that this snow melts a bit tomorrow or at least the ice goes away. I miss summer already.

There are just a couple new things to mention today.

For homework:

1) Math - Pages 32-33 All Questions
2) Spelling Unit 6 work is due tomorrow. The spelling test will be on Friday as usual.
3) Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimph Vocabulary for the next few chapters is due on Thursday.
4) French Page 8 is due on Thursday. Please ASK tomorrow if you are having trouble with the assignment.

Also...Subway orders are due Friday and book orders are due tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Family Literacy Night. There are some activities planned, cookies to be eaten, and a lot of great student work to be viewed. I have several stories posted in the classroom that you can come enjoy and the new stories will be available for purusing in the gym. The evening goes from 7-9 pm. Hope to see you there!

Miss Keil

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday Madness

I am really not ready for snow this year. Hopefully, the forecast is right and it goes away for a while yet!

Here's the news for the next couple of days:


1) Mrs. Frisby Questions are due tomorrow (This does not include the essay question on the back page. We'll do the question where you need to compare Mrs. Frisby with Isabella in class.)

2) DARE Posters are also due tomorrow as we have DARE tomorrow at 1:00pm

3) Spelling Review Unit 6 is due on Wednesday. You'll have some classtime to work on this tomorrow if you're not finished yet.

4) Guidance timelines are due this Friday. Most of you are already finished...let me know if you need to have it e-mailed so I can print it in colour.

5) French Homework - Page 8 (Ask me if you don't understand something or borrow a French-English dictionary for a night.)

Other Important Dates:

- October Book Orders are due this Wednesday. They should arrive late next week if all goes well.

- Subway orders are due this Friday. Bring your order early to make sure you don't miss the deadline!

- Remember that family literacy night is on Wednesday evening from 7-9pm as it is Education Week this week. Come out for some great literacy activities, to view student work, and to have some treats. Hope to see you there!

That's it for tonight. Let's hope the weather improves.

Miss Keil

Thursday, October 12, 2006

The classroom was electric!

Hi everyone,

First, I was so impressed with the enthusiasm everyone had in making their electric circuits today. Also, ALL students worked together VERY well and with students that they wouldn't normally work with. Way to go! We'll definitely have more fun Science lessons this year where you can learn "hands on" now that I see how well you all behave.

As for tomorrow, there isn't much homework. Make sure to study for your spelling test. Remember that I added 7 important words to your test...the days of the week. I was appalled to find that so many students mispelled the English days on our French quiz last week. In fact, some of you spelled the French right and the English wrong!

Other than that, I'd like you to finish drawing pictures of the circuits you made today. I'll collect these tomorrow even though we don't have science class.

I also noticed that there is some social studies homework due on Monday for Mrs. Tan. Please remember to write this down in your agenda along with the rest of your homework.

For more electricity information to get really charged up, go to Kids' Zone.

Another interesting site is SaskPower's site for kids. Enjoy!

See you tomorrow! TGIF (hmmm...where have we seen that before?)

Miss Keil

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A productive day..great job everyone.

Hi all,

It was a very busy day today. The homework load for tonight is much lighter as most students have just math to do and maybe a bit of social studies.

I sent home the note today for Subway day so make sure you fill that out and bring it back right away (if you want a sub, that is). I am sure the deadline isn't for a few days but order early and you aren't likely to miss it.

If you have some extra batteres at home ('AA' is preferable), bring them to school tomorrow because we are going to experiment with testing circuits.

I would just like to say how awesome all of your timelines are coming along. I am so impressed with the creativity and hard work everyone put into these today. I'll schedule some more time for us to work on these on Friday afternoon. Speaking of being impressed, everyone seemed to handle their shots today in a very mature and responsible manner..there was no complaining or squeamishness (if that's a word). Of course, bribing you with candy might have helped but I was honestly very happy with how this went.

See you all tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's too early for snow.

Good evening!

Here's the news for today:

1) Students will receive their immunizations tomorrow morning.
2) Recycle old phone books this week. Put the books in the boxes near the front door of the school.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Spelling assignment as written in agendas
2) Good copies of stories are due tomorrow
3) Have a rough copy of your timeline ready to go for guidance so we can start working on your good copy using MS Word. This is your last chance to ask your parents about those special events and milestones in your life for your timeline. Of course, you can ask them anytime and I am sure they'd be happy to share :)
4) Math Homework- Page 26 All and Page 27 #1-18
5) Colouring for Social Studies (Maps...I presume)

The only "new" homework is math.

Have a good night. See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving


I hope that everyone is enjoying the long weekend. Just a quick note about assignments coming up this week:

- Mrs. Frisby Questions for Chapters 6-10

- Good copies of stories are due this Wednesday

- Spelling Unit 5 is due on Wednesday (Only the questions assigned on Friday)

- Math Problem Solving Question is due on Tuesday (Remember that you need to make at least 15 need to figure out exactly how many on your own!)

- Guidance timelines (Rough copies are due on Wednesday...ask your parents about dates and important events in your life if you are having difficulty thinking of some.)

Mrs. Shiloff, the public health nurse, will be coming on Wednesday morning to do immunizations.

Finally, I promise to send book order forms home again as soon as I can. Scholastic didn't send me new forms for some account wasn't transferred properly when I changed schools, I guess. I have contacted them and they said they sent out the October order forms last Monday so they should show up soon.

Enjoy your holiday. I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thanksgiving Website

Visit here for Thanksgiving fun!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Awesome desserts...awesome lunch!

Thanks to everyone for bringing such amazing desserts today. I hope that all containers made it home. Let me know if something went missing and we'll take a look and see if we can find it.

I am almost finished progress reports and have really enjoyed talking with all of you. It sometimes gets a bit busy and we don't get a chance to talk on a regular basis but please feel free to call if you have any concerns or just to check in to see how things are going from time to time. I also respond to my e-mail daily so that's a great way to get a hold of me during the day since I supervise quite often.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Math Review Sheet on Addition
- Study for your spelling list test and your french test on days of the week and months of the year. The test will only include information up to page 7 in the booklet.

Also, I would like all students to make sure they do spelling corrections please! I will remind everyone tomorrow and send books home over the weekend to work on this. I will also assign next week's spelling assignment so they can get a start on it since it's a short week next week because of the holiday.

Hope everyone has a good night and that the students aren't too full for supper!

Miss Keil

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tomorrow is turkey day!

Hi everyone,

Tomorrow is the big Thanksgiving Feast. It sounds like a great time and I am sure that the food will be amazing (especially the desserts!). Remember to bring your drinks and things like plates and cutlery.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Math Homework: Page 24 (All) and Page 25 #1-15
- I'll collect the math books tomorrow to check over. Students will have a handout rather than using the text tomorrow.
- Social Studies Maps for Mrs. Tan

Other notes:
- French quiz on Friday on months, days, seasons
- Spelling test on Friday on spelling list words

I am still calling home for progress reports. I'll try to get them all done today or tomorrow.

Have a good evening.

Miss Keil

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Two days to go until the feast!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note as I am calling parents for progress reports this week. I will keep up with the blog but it will likely be quite brief. Here's what's going on this week:

1) Spelling Unit 4 Work is due tomorrow. We'll have a spelling test on Friday.
2) Math Homework - Pages 22-23 (All) is due tomorrow
3) French - Pages 3-7 is due tomorrow
4) French Quiz on Friday on the days of the week and months of the year. This includes spelling these words. Don't forget the accents! You will also need to know the seasons and which months belong in each season as discussed in class.
5) Social Studies Maps are due on Thursday

We will be typing out your stories tomorrow. Don't forget to bring it along.

Remember, our Thanksgiving Feast is on Thursday at 11:45 am. Remember to bring utensils, a plate, a drink and your dessert. Students are allowed to bring pop to drink but it should be in a bottle to prevent the possibility of a mess.

Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Grade Six Guidance Lesson

In guidance tomorrow, we are going to be creating timelines based on the events you brainstormed in class on Monday. This will be a timeline of the significant events that have happened to you thus far in your life. For example, your birth, the first day of school, sports, hobbies, special awards, a family trip, the death of a loved one, the birth of a little brother or sister, etc.

We are going to use MS Word to create these timelines. Here is the link to the online help site that shows how to create such a timeline. We'll go over this during classtime.

Be creative and have fun!

Remember, I will be looking for effort, attitude, neatness, completeness, thoughtfulness, formatting, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, following directions, and at least 8-10 events in your timeline. You may also include graphics to add to your timeline's appearance. This is the rubric that I will be using to assess the timelines.