Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dig out the rubber boots!

I love the weather and hope it stays this way. Since it's Saskatchewan, we can expect some more winter but at least we've got some warm weather for now.

There isn't a lot of homework for tomorrow, just remember to do the following:

- Math homework on finding the area of parallelograms (I can't remember the exact page number for this as I'm at home.)

- Unit 18 Spelling Test (Please review these and do a practice test to study.)

For next week:

- Bridge to Terabithia projects are due next Tuesday. We'll have some work time tomorrow afternoon so bring your things along for this.

Other items to note:

- Book orders are due tomorrow

- Bring your hot dog sale money (not sure when the due date is but likely next Thursday)

Enjoy the weather!

Miss Keil