Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Good evening,

Sorry this is such a late post but I'm working on report cards and will be doing more of the same for the next couple of nights. I'm also busy with coaching curling and basketball so it's a bit tough to keep this up to date right now but I'll try my best.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Math : Pages 82-83 (All except for keeping sharp - feel free to do it if you want.)
Math Problems (Week 18 - Mon/Tues)

- Spelling : Pg. 69 #1,2 and Page 70 #1(a.b) are due tomorrow while the rest of the assignment is due on Thursday.

- Science Test on Earthquakes on Thursday : You will get the study sheet tomorrow. It's more of a review and check than a test so please don't stress too much over this. You will all do fine!

- Health Homework is due tomorrow. (Same, different, unique characteristics among people and your examples can be physical characteristics or based on people's personalities)

Other notes:

- No skating this Friday due to morning assembly and the pancake breakfast. I am not able to reschedule..sorry! We will go again next week Friday.

- Book orders are due this Friday

- PJ and Pancake breakfast day is this Friday. Come early to eat!

Have a great night. Please make sure you keep up with your day planners this week as I am not sure I will post for the rest of the week.

Miss Keil