Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Spelling Bee

Hi everyone,

Just a big pat on the back to everyone for the great effort on your literature circle group projects. The effort put into the presentations was impressive. We have some very good actors in our class.

Some of the due dates coming up are as follows:

- Spelling Unit 14 Work is due tomorrow
- Spelling Bee will be tomorrow (Good luck to everyone!)
- Social Studies Homework
- Math : Page 76 #1-4 and Page 77 #1-17

Other notes:
- There is a French quiz on the colours this Friday
- We are ice skating this Friday. I thought I booked us in at 10-11am but have heard different schedules were seen so I'll check into this tomorrow and let you know.
- Chili and a Bun money is due next Monday (lunch is next Thursday, Jan. 25th)
- PJ Day and a pancake breakfast will be on Friday, January 26th
- Basketball is cancelled for tomorrow after school because of the Grade 7/8 field trip to Saskatoon. We'll practise again next Tuesday.

Have a good evening!

Miss Keil