Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

If you can't see the blog from January 11th, then please click on instead.

It was great to see everyone today. Some of us were a bit sluggish but we'll get back into the swing of things in no time. As I mentioned today, report cards are less than a month away so make sure you are working hard and putting a good effort into your work.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Spelling - Page 60 #1-5 (The rest is due on Thursday but you could finish it all tonight!)

For Friday, we'll have the Literature Circle group presentations. We will also have a math test on our division unit on Friday as well. This will include short division, long division, division rules, factors, and prime and composite numbers. We will learn about the last couple of concepts in that list tomorrow and Wednesday.

We will be skating on Fridays at 10am until further notice. I believe we are scheduled until the end of February. Make sure you bundle up if it's cold outside because the weather forecast seems to be predicting some arctic type temperatures by the end of the week.

Once again, I hope that everyone has a wonderful new year.

Miss Keil