Sunday, December 10, 2006

15 days 'til Christmas

Hi class,

I hope that you are having a good weekend. Jeremy and I got our Christmas tree yesterday which was quite exciting. It looks and smells great.

Upcoming assignments:

1) Math - Page 61 #9-19
I also found a great website that describes in detail how to do long division if you are having difficulty catching on. It also has some great practice questions too. Go to Cool Math 4 Kids and check it out.

2) String Art Snowmen are due on Tuesday. We will have a half an hour to work on these tomorrow.

3) Spelling Test on Unit 12 will be this Friday

4) Literature Circle Reading and Roles will be due this Friday as scheduled

5) Science Research Projects will be due on Tuesday, December 19th. We will have a couple more class periods to work on it this week.

Other notes:

1) Subway sandwich day money is due this upcoming Friday

2) We are skating again this Friday. If you have some old skates or helmets lying around and can lend them to the students that don't have any, it would be greatly appreciated! We will skate from 10-11 again like last Friday.

3) Remember to bring an item for the food bank if you haven't done that already.

Finally, if you have an acting part in the Christmas concert, Mrs. Hermann may be asking you to practise during classtime this week and next week. If this happens, make sure you catch up on any work or worktime (i.e. Science computer time) that you may miss. Ask a friend to keep you informed.

Once again, have a great weekend and enjoy the warmer temperatures.

Miss Keil