Monday, November 27, 2006

Hickory Sticks Day

Good evening!

Thanks to Quinton for winning the Hickory Sticks for everyone. It was a nice treat today for the whole class.

Homework for the next couple days is as follows:

1) Math Test on multiplication is tomorrow
2) Guidance chart is due on Wednesday (List 5 jobs and write three qualities that you have which would suit that occupation.)
3) Spelling Unit 11 is due on Wednesday (You'll have time to work on it tomorrow and you should be able to finish during classtime as there are only a few questions.)
4) Social Studies Climographs are due this Wednesday
5) Social Studies Test this Thursday on location

Finally, remember that your literature circle reading and roles are due every Friday from now until Christmas. You have a list of your reading and roles in your folder. It is your job to complete this. You will have lots of class time to work on your role sheets and reading so please use it wisely as I know that many of you are busy with other activities at this time of year.

Last but not least, the December book orders are due this Wednesday as I'd like to put the order in early so we get our books in time for the holidays.

I hope you have a great evening.

Miss Keil