Saturday, November 04, 2006

Go Riders Go!

I hope tbat everyone plans to watch the Rider game tomorrow and cheer as hard as they can. I have to admit I don't have a really positive feeling about the game but anything can happen in the playoffs.

It was a really busy week with Halloween, a special presentation and preparing for Remembrance Day. For some of you, it will be a busy weekend depending on how much you accomplished during the week.

Homework for next week is as follows:

1) Remembrance Day Posters are due on Monday. This is non-negotiable as the posters are to be posted in the gym by Tuesday.

2) Remembrance Day Writing Pieces. You may write either a poem or a piece of prose. This is also due on Monday so I can mark and judge our class writing and submit the top three to the Legion by Wednesday. Remember that prose can be no more than 350 words and poems can be no more than 32 lines.

3) Math Tests. Please make your corrections and have your parents sign it. Return it on Monday please.

4) Spelling Work. Units 9 and 10 (All) are due this Monday. (Just Kidding! NO SPELLING IS DUE NEXT WEEK since we only have three days of school. I'll let you know that assignment next week and it will be due the following Wednesday instead.)

5) Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH vocabulary sheet

6) French - Pages 9-11. Almost everyone is finished this already but I thought I'd mention it anyway. I'll ask to have these handed in by next Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. The weather looks a bit better at least.

Once again, Let's go Riders!

Miss Keil