Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday Madness

I am really not ready for snow this year. Hopefully, the forecast is right and it goes away for a while yet!

Here's the news for the next couple of days:


1) Mrs. Frisby Questions are due tomorrow (This does not include the essay question on the back page. We'll do the question where you need to compare Mrs. Frisby with Isabella in class.)

2) DARE Posters are also due tomorrow as we have DARE tomorrow at 1:00pm

3) Spelling Review Unit 6 is due on Wednesday. You'll have some classtime to work on this tomorrow if you're not finished yet.

4) Guidance timelines are due this Friday. Most of you are already finished...let me know if you need to have it e-mailed so I can print it in colour.

5) French Homework - Page 8 (Ask me if you don't understand something or borrow a French-English dictionary for a night.)

Other Important Dates:

- October Book Orders are due this Wednesday. They should arrive late next week if all goes well.

- Subway orders are due this Friday. Bring your order early to make sure you don't miss the deadline!

- Remember that family literacy night is on Wednesday evening from 7-9pm as it is Education Week this week. Come out for some great literacy activities, to view student work, and to have some treats. Hope to see you there!

That's it for tonight. Let's hope the weather improves.

Miss Keil