Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Grade Six Guidance Lesson

In guidance tomorrow, we are going to be creating timelines based on the events you brainstormed in class on Monday. This will be a timeline of the significant events that have happened to you thus far in your life. For example, your birth, the first day of school, sports, hobbies, special awards, a family trip, the death of a loved one, the birth of a little brother or sister, etc.

We are going to use MS Word to create these timelines. Here is the link to the online help site that shows how to create such a timeline. We'll go over this during classtime.

Be creative and have fun!

Remember, I will be looking for effort, attitude, neatness, completeness, thoughtfulness, formatting, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, following directions, and at least 8-10 events in your timeline. You may also include graphics to add to your timeline's appearance. This is the rubric that I will be using to assess the timelines.