Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wacky Wednesday was a wacky afternoon with students making up chants and getting paint all over the place while making their house banners. I can tell that Friday afternoon is going to be a screaming good time. : )

We were still working on CAT tests today. There are three sections to go but we'll have it done by the end of the week. It's taken away time from other things spelling. We'll begin our regular spelling lists again on Monday.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Math Problem 4: Making an Organized List (The key word here is "organized" so that the correct number of combinations can be found easily. Try not to pick random arrangements as this makes finding the solution very difficult.)
2) Science- Complete the questions on atoms and electricity. Draw an atom and answer the other two questions on that page.

Dates to keep in mind:

- Chocolate Bar Sale money is due this Friday.
- Reading Logs for September are due this Friday (I'll still count pages if you hand these in late but you won't be recognized for monthly awards as I plan on doing this on the weekend.)
- Thanksgiving money and notes are due Friday
- Picture Orders are due on October 2nd

Finally, PIZZA DAY for those of you who ordered it will happen this Friday.

That's it for today.

Miss Keil