Monday, September 25, 2006

Autumn is definitely here

It was a beautiful afternoon today. The class went outside for a little bit to find autumn leaves for our art projects. We still have a ways to go with these so there is no due date as of yet.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Keep track of what you use electricity for today. Students began their lists at school today and are to continue the list until they go to bed. That includes any electricity family members use. Use an extra piece of paper if you run out of room.

2) First draft (Rough draft) of stories. I will teach a mini-lesson on revising tomorrow to further clarify this step of the writing process.

Other things to note:

- Gym Blast this Friday. Students are encouraged to dress from head to toe in their house colours. We'll be making banners and creating house chants on Wednesday afternoon. Gym Blast will take place Friday afternoon. I am really looking forward to it as it sounds like a lot of fun!

- Social Studies Maps are due this Wednesday for Mrs. Tan.

- Tomorrow is the last day to bring money for Pizza Day.

- Please remember to bring your forms back for the immunizations. The health nurse will be coming to begin immunizations shortly after Thanksgiving.

- Speaking of Thanksgiving, the 'E' Wing will be having its annual Thanksgiving dinner the Thursday before the Thanksgiving weekend. Our class will be making desserts. I will be sending a note home with more details this week.

Have a good night.

Miss Keil