Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A busy day

We had lots of excitement today. The public health nurse came to talk to the class about Hepatitis B vaccinations. Each student was given permission forms to take home for parents to sign and return to the school. Please have the formed filled out and returned as soon as possible.

There are many other important dates to keep in mind:

September 26th- Pizza Sale Pre-Orders Due
September 29th- Chocolate Sale Deadline Date
October 2nd- Picture Orders Due (A late fee applies to orders after this date.)

Homework for tomorrow is:
1) Math review sheets on place value (All)
2) Math quiz on Friday.

Students will be assigned study hall starting tomorrow if homework is not complete. Each student has one free pass per term (four altogether).

That's it for today. Good luck selling the chocolates everyone!

Wan An! (That's good night in Chinese)

Miss Keil