Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fun fun fun

Yes, we are going to have fun in the next few days. Tomorrow, students will meet with their houses to make banners and create songs for Gym Blast on Friday afternoon. I'll let students know what colours they are tomorrow. I know that Cardinals are Red and Hawks are Yellow. I believe that Pandas are Blue and Tomahawks are Green. I'll confirm this tomorrow.

I sent a note home today about the Thanksgiving Feast. Please fill it out and return it by this Friday so everything can get organized. We get to bring desserts...yum!

Parents..if you're reading this...make sure your child lets you know how they did on their math quizzes from Friday. They were to write their grade in their agendas.

Homework for tomorrow:

- Mrs. Frisby vocabulary for Chapters 6-10. It's the vocabulary sheet with matching and multiple choice. You DON'T need to do the questions yet.

- Electricity tracking worksheet for Science. I'll collect these tomorrow..try to fill it up. You can include items from today as well.

We will do the math portion of the CAT test tomorrow. It takes about 40 minutes.

Enjoy your evening...'Dancing With the Stars' is on if you're into that kind of thing. I love that show.

Miss Keil