Thursday, October 05, 2006

Awesome desserts...awesome lunch!

Thanks to everyone for bringing such amazing desserts today. I hope that all containers made it home. Let me know if something went missing and we'll take a look and see if we can find it.

I am almost finished progress reports and have really enjoyed talking with all of you. It sometimes gets a bit busy and we don't get a chance to talk on a regular basis but please feel free to call if you have any concerns or just to check in to see how things are going from time to time. I also respond to my e-mail daily so that's a great way to get a hold of me during the day since I supervise quite often.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Math Review Sheet on Addition
- Study for your spelling list test and your french test on days of the week and months of the year. The test will only include information up to page 7 in the booklet.

Also, I would like all students to make sure they do spelling corrections please! I will remind everyone tomorrow and send books home over the weekend to work on this. I will also assign next week's spelling assignment so they can get a start on it since it's a short week next week because of the holiday.

Hope everyone has a good night and that the students aren't too full for supper!

Miss Keil