Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Two days to go until the feast!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note as I am calling parents for progress reports this week. I will keep up with the blog but it will likely be quite brief. Here's what's going on this week:

1) Spelling Unit 4 Work is due tomorrow. We'll have a spelling test on Friday.
2) Math Homework - Pages 22-23 (All) is due tomorrow
3) French - Pages 3-7 is due tomorrow
4) French Quiz on Friday on the days of the week and months of the year. This includes spelling these words. Don't forget the accents! You will also need to know the seasons and which months belong in each season as discussed in class.
5) Social Studies Maps are due on Thursday

We will be typing out your stories tomorrow. Don't forget to bring it along.

Remember, our Thanksgiving Feast is on Thursday at 11:45 am. Remember to bring utensils, a plate, a drink and your dessert. Students are allowed to bring pop to drink but it should be in a bottle to prevent the possibility of a mess.

Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil