Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It's too early for snow.

Good evening!

Here's the news for today:

1) Students will receive their immunizations tomorrow morning.
2) Recycle old phone books this week. Put the books in the boxes near the front door of the school.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Spelling assignment as written in agendas
2) Good copies of stories are due tomorrow
3) Have a rough copy of your timeline ready to go for guidance so we can start working on your good copy using MS Word. This is your last chance to ask your parents about those special events and milestones in your life for your timeline. Of course, you can ask them anytime and I am sure they'd be happy to share :)
4) Math Homework- Page 26 All and Page 27 #1-18
5) Colouring for Social Studies (Maps...I presume)

The only "new" homework is math.

Have a good night. See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil