Thursday, October 12, 2006

The classroom was electric!

Hi everyone,

First, I was so impressed with the enthusiasm everyone had in making their electric circuits today. Also, ALL students worked together VERY well and with students that they wouldn't normally work with. Way to go! We'll definitely have more fun Science lessons this year where you can learn "hands on" now that I see how well you all behave.

As for tomorrow, there isn't much homework. Make sure to study for your spelling test. Remember that I added 7 important words to your test...the days of the week. I was appalled to find that so many students mispelled the English days on our French quiz last week. In fact, some of you spelled the French right and the English wrong!

Other than that, I'd like you to finish drawing pictures of the circuits you made today. I'll collect these tomorrow even though we don't have science class.

I also noticed that there is some social studies homework due on Monday for Mrs. Tan. Please remember to write this down in your agenda along with the rest of your homework.

For more electricity information to get really charged up, go to Kids' Zone.

Another interesting site is SaskPower's site for kids. Enjoy!

See you tomorrow! TGIF (hmmm...where have we seen that before?)

Miss Keil