Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why is the snow still here?

I really hope that this snow melts a bit tomorrow or at least the ice goes away. I miss summer already.

There are just a couple new things to mention today.

For homework:

1) Math - Pages 32-33 All Questions
2) Spelling Unit 6 work is due tomorrow. The spelling test will be on Friday as usual.
3) Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimph Vocabulary for the next few chapters is due on Thursday.
4) French Page 8 is due on Thursday. Please ASK tomorrow if you are having trouble with the assignment.

Also...Subway orders are due Friday and book orders are due tomorrow.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Family Literacy Night. There are some activities planned, cookies to be eaten, and a lot of great student work to be viewed. I have several stories posted in the classroom that you can come enjoy and the new stories will be available for purusing in the gym. The evening goes from 7-9 pm. Hope to see you there!

Miss Keil