Thursday, October 26, 2006

Smarties, M & M's, Junior Mints...

I thought that'd get your attention! Halloween is coming and we've got some crafts planned and a bit of a party next Tuesday afternoon. You can all dress up in the afternoon (maybe the morning..I'll check tomorrow) and we'll have a class party after our DARE class on Tuesday afternoon. We can play some games after DARE and have some fun. The younger kids are going to do a costume parade at some point after lunch. If you all dress up, we could even join them.

As for upcoming assignments and homework:

1) Writing Journals (Text-to-self) is due tomorrow morning
2) Science Review Sheet (Finish this for tomorrow and we'll go over it for our test next Monday.)
3) Social Studies Test is next Thursday on topics one to five
4) Bring your reading log tomorrow for a check up
5) Reading questions for Mrs. Frisby will be due on Monday - You will have some class time tomorrow morning.
6) Spelling Unit 8 will be due next Thursday (I'll give you an extra day because of Halloween.)

Other news:

- Bring items for Operation Christmas Child if you would like to help out. Many of you have already done this. Thanks so much!

- Book orders for November and the Holiday Gift forms will be due on November 8th. Kelsey reminded me that we don't have school on the 10th..thank you for that. Our last order is still 'processing' according to the account status I checked online so we likely won't receive it for a few days yet.

- There will be a "Fall Frolic" Dance next week Friday. I believe that's November 3rd. The cost is the same as the last what you pull up to $3.00

- Don't forget your weekly spelling list test is tomorrow as usual.

Have a good evening!

Miss Keil