Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another week is almost over already...

Good evening,

Here's what up for tomorrow:

1) Math Pages 50-51 is due.
2) Mrs. Frisby Questions are due.
3) I promise to check your spelling homework. We've been distracted by portfolios.
4) With that said, we'll be practicing our 3-way conferences tomorrow as well so everyone is ready to go!
5) Book Fair is tomorrow. We are going at 2pm and you can either purchase books or make a wishlist for when your parents come.
6) If you took home your green conference sheets, make sure this is completed as well.

PLEASE, if you haven't yet brought your forms and money for the field trip, do it tomorrow because I have to arrange drivers and fill out some forms of my own for the division.

Finally, I'd appreciate it if you could bring back the pre-conference forms. I realize that your parents are also very busy during the week but it's nice to have that information. If you aren't able to bring it back this week, please bring it back next week because I think the information is still very valuable.

Thanks and have a good night!

Miss Keil