Monday, November 13, 2006

It Wasn't Pretty

Hi everyone,

I hope that you have all had a good break despite the convincing loss by the Saskatchewan Roughriders. It sure would have been exciting to see them win that game but they were totally outplayed so it'll be interesting to see what happens now.

I have to admit that it's been nice to stay in Regina for an extra day this weekend. It feels a bit less rushed than usual. It was also a relief to get home after the terrible road conditions we had to drive through to get to Saskatoon for the teacher's convention. That was a very stressful experience! The good news is that I got some great teaching ideas at the convention for some fun and educational lessons over the next little while.

So, here's the homework and important information you need to know this week:

1) Spelling is due on Wednesday. If you haven't started and aren't sure what the assignment is, call a friend. We all wrote it down last week Tuesday as bell work.
2) Social Studies maps are due on Wednesday. I know that many of you were able to complete these last week. Make sure you label the maps with pencil first and check over the spelling and neatness before you use pen.
3) Math (Finish the patterns on the bottom of the page. We'll correct both pages tomorrow.)
4) DARE Essays are due tomorrow. Please ensure that you have all drafts to hand in. I will be marking them myself and selecting a couple to be read at the DARE grad ceremony. Constable Boyko expects to be with us tomorrow afternoon unless something else comes up.

Also, please REMEMBER:

- Bring your forms back for our field trip to Regina on November 23rd. I need the forms and money back ASAP (as soon as possible) so I can fill out even more forms regarding drivers and passengers.

This week, we will be preparing our portfolios for the 3-way conferences and doing some practice so everyone is ready to go.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil