Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Field Trip Tomorrow

Hi everyone,

The big day has finally arrived and I just wish the weather would have co-operated better (by the is on your spelling test on Friday..don't forget the hyphen!) So, we will meet tomorrow morning at 8:15 am as planned. If we get to Regina later than expected, that's fine. I have let the museum know that we might be a bit late. I sent a note home for drivers regarding the trip and tried to provide you with some useful directions. I will lead the way. The first stop is quite easy to get to..just follow Albert St (it's the road you are on when you enter the city) until you reach College Avenue. Turn left on College Avenue and it's on your right. Turn right and you enter the parking lot.

Homework and upcoming assignments are as follows:

1) Math Page 54 - All (Due Monday)
2) Mrs. Frisby Novel Study Project (Due Monday)
3) Literature Circle Reading and Role (Due Monday for your group meeting)
4) Math Test on Multiplication (Tuesday)- This will include multiplying by multiples of 10, 100, 1000; estimating products; multiplying double-digit numbers; multiplying 3-digit numbers using a calculator
5) Social Studies Test (Next Thursday)

* You will have lots of time to work on the above assignments on Friday.

Remember, I will collect your reading logs on Monday and book orders by next Wednesday.

Friday is the hot dog sale day and also crazy hair day.

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil