Friday, November 17, 2006

Have a great weekend!


Thanks to everyone for coming to the interviews and a big pat on the back to the kids for doing a great job of leading the conferences. I was very impressed! I learned a lot throughout the process and appreciated all of the feedback. It's the first time I have officially done 3-way conferences so it was a learning experience for me too.

Homework for this weekend:

1) We will have a quiz on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH on Monday. This will include some comprehension questions (multiple choice) and some vocabulary questions (matching and multiple choice). We'll play a review game before we have the quiz to help you succeed!
2) Consider what you would like to do for your Mrs. Frisby final project. We'll work on these next week.

Other notes:

- I'll send a note home on Monday with respect to drivers and passenges for our field trip on Thursday.
- We are going to be starting literature circles on Monday. I'll explain more next week.
- You will receive your Unit 10 spelling assignment on Monday morning as bell work and be given time to work on it at that time.

As promised, here is the website for Just So, the play we will be watching next week. Check it out and listen to some of the music from the play.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Miss Keil