Sunday, November 26, 2006

It was JUST SO good!

Good morning everyone,

Just a few notes for this week. I listed everything due on Monday last week and there is nothing new to add to that list. The first impressions (in your journals) of Just So are not due tomorrow. I will give you time to add more to these during Arts Ed and we will also have an Author's Chair so we can share our impressions.

Tomorrow, we will begin our new spelling unit first thing. Then, I will go over the expectations of literature circles and show you what you will need to do with your group. You will have about 45 minutes to discuss the first few chapters of your book with your group. Each member will share their role and discuss their opinions and predictions based on the roles that you have done.

In Science, we will be doing research for our report on famous earthquakes. If you have information you want to bring from home, that would be great! We will be exploring the following list of links from a Hotlist I created. I am also going to do a mini-lesson on the structure of a research paper and on how to write a bibliography.

I hope you had a good day with Mr. Maier. I'll see you tomorrow!

Miss Keil