Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To: Christmas Talent Show Fans

Good evening!

I hope everyone had a good day. We definitely had some good singing going on...well done!

Homework for tomorrow is as follows:

1) Social Studies Test on Location
2) Math Pages 56-57 (Page 56 #1-8, Page 57 - Odd Questions Only)
3) Spelling Test on Friday as usual (Make sure you study!)
4) 'Just So' Posters are due this Friday
5) Literature Circle Reading and Roles are due this Friday for your group meeting

In other news:

- Please bring items for the food bank collection
- Also, remember that there is no school on Monday (Teacher Inservice Day)

I found an awesome website with the actual stories by Rudyard Kipling for all to enjoy. Check it out! Just So Stories

That's it for tonight. Oh, ask your parents if they want to come and volunteer to help with some Christmas Crafts over the next few weeks. It's nice to have an extra hand for crafts. You can have your parents write a note in your dayplanner if they are interested.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil