Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bring your skates!

Hi everyone,

Just a few things to note:

1) Ice Skating times will be as follows for December:
December 8th 10-11
December 15th 10-11
December 22nd 11-12

2)Math is due on Monday. You need to complete page 61 #9-19

3) There is no spelling test this week. We will be working on Unit 12 more next week.

4)Bring a good book tomorrow morning. It's 2006 Reading Day and we'll be reading for 2006 seconds or 33 1/2 minutes.

5) Study for your french quiz!

6) Reading Logs are due tomorrow and again on December 22nd

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil

PS- Keep bringing items for the food bank and show your compassion and generosity!