Monday, December 11, 2006

It's coming...

Christmas is just days away now.

Here's what's new this week:

1) Math - Page 62 #1-3 and Page 63 #1-10 is due tomorrow
2) String Art Snowmen are due tomorrow
3) Spelling Unit 12 is due on Wednesday
4) French Re-test on Friday (Required for scores under 60%)

For next week:

1) Science Reports are due next week Tuesday, December 19th
2) Social Studies Timelines are due Wednesday, December 20th

We are going to have a Christmas Gift Exchange for those wanting to participate. Gifts should be approximately 5-10 dollars. Please bring the gifts anytime next week to ensure they aren't forgotten when we exchange them on Friday. We will pick names tomorrow and remember to keep it a secret!

There will be a Patroller's Dance on December 22nd from 1-2:15 pm. There will be early dismissal at 2:30pm that day as well.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

PS- If you write the secret word "Frosty" in your dayplanner to show you've read my blog, I'll give you a treat.