Friday, January 12, 2007

Just a regular day

Hi everyone,

It was really nice to have a regular school day today after all the bad weather this week. Since a few students were still missing, I'll go over what we did today in addition to listing the homework.

- Spelling Test on Unit 13
- Spelling corrections for Unit 13
- Worked on literature circle group projects
- Math: Division practice sheet ; Page 172-173 on Prime and Composite Numbers
- Arts Ed: We made pictures for the bulletin board on this month's virtue of courtesy.
- PE: Speed Stacking
- Math Review game for our test on Monday

Homework for Monday:
- Math : Pages 172-173 (Do all questions including the 'Keeping Sharp' section)
- Literature Circle Group Presentations

Homework for Tuesday:
- Math : Page 68 - Odd Questions from #1-51 (I will give you the answers on Monday so you can use these questions to help you study. Do the questions and check your correctness as you go.)
- Math Test on Tuesday on division (short and long division, prime and composite numbers)

I also sent a note home for parents with respect to some things going on in our classroom. If you weren't at school today, I'll paste the letter here so you can read it too.

Here it is:

Dear Family,

I am writing to let you know about a few things going on in our classroom in the next little while. First, we are going to be ice skating over the next couple of months on Fridays from 10-11 am. If the wind chill is below or even near -40 Celsius, we will not be going.

Our class supply of Kleenex is also very low at the moment so I’d appreciate it if everyone could bring another box of tissues to get us through the rest of the school year. Also, many students need to replace some essential school supplies so please check with your child to ensure they aren’t missing anything they need at school. Some examples are scissors, glue, or rulers. We will be starting a unit on geometry after our division test next week so every child will need to have a geometry set ready to go.

Finally, Fay Shiloff, the health nurse will be coming next Monday and Wednesday to teach the topic of puberty. The class on Monday will be a brief introduction to the topic and Fay will be sending information home with each student to be discussed with parents. On Wednesday, she will be discussing the topic more in depth. The information sent home on Monday will give you a good idea about what will be covered.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I can be contacted most easily by e-mail at as it’s difficult to get to the phone during the school day. I also check my work e-mail a couple times over the weekend.

See everyone on Monday. Have a great weekend and let's hope it warms up soon!

Miss Keil