Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ice Skating

Good evening,

I checked the schedule for ice skating and we are definitely going from 9-10 am on Fridays. I don't know why I thought it was later. Make sure you have your skates and helmets ready to go right away. Just bring your things into class and leave your jackets on so we can leave right after announcements and attendance.

- French Quiz on the colours
- Spelling Test on Unit 14
- Math corrections on your test are due (and parents need to sign as well)

Other news:
- I will be away on Monday with the curling team and Mr. Maier will be in for me.
- Don't forget that Chili and a Bun money is due on Monday

Finally, a big congratulations goes out to Clayton for winning our classroom spelling bee. I was very impressed with everyone's performances throughout the past couple of weeks. There were some very tough words!

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil