Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Back on track!

Hi everyone,

I am back on track with blogging now that report cards are finished. They will be sent out this Friday.

Homework and assignments coming up are as follows:

Due tomorrow:
- Spelling (Just the first two pages are due tomorrow and only the questions that were assigned on Monday.)
- Science Review Sheet on Volcanoes (Do your best and we'll correct it tomorrow)
- Math Review Sheet on polygons and lines (I think everyone is finished this already.)

For Thursday:
- Science Test on the volcano information
- The remainder of the spelling assignment
- Math Review Sheet (Measuring Angles, Drawing lines)

For Friday:
- Math Test on the geometry we have studied thus far (lines, polygons, measuring and labelling angles)
- French vocabulary on clothing so we can make flashcards
- Spelling Test

For next Monday:
- Friendship Stories (Please include: Cover page, good copy, rough copies, peer revision sheet, peer editing sheet and your pre-writing.) Staple the cover page and good copy together and paper clip the rest together with your good copy. Ask if you're not sure what I mean.

That's all I can think of right now.

Other news:
- We are ice skating on Friday at 9 am. Please come to school a bit early so we can leave as soon as possible.
- Bring Subway money if you want a sub next week.

Have a great night. For a special treat tomorrow, write "Valentine" in your day planner since it's almost that time of year again.

See you tomorrow,
Miss Keil