Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Back into the swing of things.

I hope everyone had a good break. We've got lots of things to do in the next couple of weeks as we are finishing a couple of units and starting some new topics.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Bridge to Terabithia Questions for Chapter 12 and the multiple choice and matching vocabulary words. (Use a dictionary)
- Math : Pages 300 #1 and Page 301 #1-4
- Science Observations on the slime experiment (Make it detailed and neat please.)

Last chance is Friday for:
- Chapters 5-9 Vocabulary word meanings and sentences.
- Guidance lists for math, ELA, and PE

Other important dates:
- We are having a math test on spacial geometry on Friday. It will include anything we have studied on 3D shapes and figures.
- Bridge to Terabithia Vocabulary quiz next Wednesday
- Bridge to Terabithia Reading Comprehension quiz next week Thursday
- Our next virtue assembly is next Tuesday so make sure you keep watching out for your secret person to do something caring.
- Bring your Youth Reading Challenge forms back by Friday to qualify for the Rider ticket draw.
- Bring back your pledge sheets and parent volunteer forms for the Telemiracle skate-a-thon.

Finally, we ARE ice skating this Friday. It will be the last time for this year so make sure you remember your skates and helmets. We'll be able to walk as the weather should be warm enough....make sure to bundle up though.

Whew! I think that's it for tonight.

Have a great evening,

Miss Keil