Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Swoosh Swoosh

It's ski trip time again and hopefully you will be able to go this permitting of course! Make sure to bring your money in early.

- Science Test tomorrow (Just based on the review sheet.)
- Math Review is due tomorrow (Measuring angles and drawing lines and line segments)
- Spelling assignment is due tomorrow
- Spelling and Math Tests are on Friday (Unit 16 words)
- Friendship stories are due on Monday
- Guidance homework is due next Monday

You will have time to type stories out tomorrow at school OR to work on your art projects online.

The math test is quite long but I am confident you will all do very well. It includes the following topics:

- Measuring, labelling, and drawing angles (acute, obtuse, straight, right)
- Identifying polygons and non-polygons
- Labelling regular polygons
- Defining quadrilaterals (squares, rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, trapezoids, iscoleles trapezoids)
- Drawing and labelling lines, line segments, points, and rays
- Defining perpendicular, intersecting, and parallel lines

I think that's it. I'll double check the test and add any parts I have missed tomorrow.

Have a good night!

Miss Keil