Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Brrr..it's cold!

Hi everyone,

There are lots of important dates to mention. Here it goes...


Due Wednesday:
- Guidance interview questions and answers are due tomorrow (unless you have talked to me about it first).
- Literature Circle reading and roles for your group meetings are due tomorrow. This will be the same for every Wednesday over the next four weeks.
- Math: Pages 240-241 (All except for Keeping Sharp)

Due Thursday:
- Spelling: Unit 18 is due on Thursday

Due Friday:
- Math quiz on ratios and rates is due this Friday

Due next Monday:
- Health contracts are due next Monday so make sure you are still keeping track of how well you are acheiving your goal.

Other important dates:
- Book orders are due this Friday. These are the last book orders of the year.
- Friday, May 25th is our Co-operation assembly as well as crazy hair and tie day. If you ordered a cheeseburger, we will be getting ours on Friday.
- Our year end trip will be on Monday, June 18th to Regina. I will send a note home once all the details have been arranged. We are going to the Saskatchewan Science Centre to check out the displays, to watch the IMAX theatre and to participate in the Climbing Through Time activity.
- I have booked two swimming times in June. I'll post those later this week.

That's it for tonight...there are lots of things going on. Please make sure you keep writing everything down in your dayplanner.

Have a good evening,

Miss Keil