Thursday, November 30, 2006

May I have this dance?

Hi everyone,

This will be a quick post. Homework for tomorrow is:

1) Literature Circle Reading and Roles are due because you have a group meeting tomorrow as scheduled.

2) Math Corrections for Pages 56-57. Please spend some time correcting the mistakes and understanding what caused them. If you are still having trouble, please ask ASAP so you don't get behind. Math Tests must also be corrected and signed. Anyone that had less than 80% will rewrite the test next Tuesday.

3) 'Just So' Posters are due tomorrow

4) Don't forget our weekly spelling test! Words are in your dayplanner.

That's it for tonight. See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

To: Christmas Talent Show Fans

Good evening!

I hope everyone had a good day. We definitely had some good singing going on...well done!

Homework for tomorrow is as follows:

1) Social Studies Test on Location
2) Math Pages 56-57 (Page 56 #1-8, Page 57 - Odd Questions Only)
3) Spelling Test on Friday as usual (Make sure you study!)
4) 'Just So' Posters are due this Friday
5) Literature Circle Reading and Roles are due this Friday for your group meeting

In other news:

- Please bring items for the food bank collection
- Also, remember that there is no school on Monday (Teacher Inservice Day)

I found an awesome website with the actual stories by Rudyard Kipling for all to enjoy. Check it out! Just So Stories

That's it for tonight. Oh, ask your parents if they want to come and volunteer to help with some Christmas Crafts over the next few weeks. It's nice to have an extra hand for crafts. You can have your parents write a note in your dayplanner if they are interested.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hickory Sticks Day

Good evening!

Thanks to Quinton for winning the Hickory Sticks for everyone. It was a nice treat today for the whole class.

Homework for the next couple days is as follows:

1) Math Test on multiplication is tomorrow
2) Guidance chart is due on Wednesday (List 5 jobs and write three qualities that you have which would suit that occupation.)
3) Spelling Unit 11 is due on Wednesday (You'll have time to work on it tomorrow and you should be able to finish during classtime as there are only a few questions.)
4) Social Studies Climographs are due this Wednesday
5) Social Studies Test this Thursday on location

Finally, remember that your literature circle reading and roles are due every Friday from now until Christmas. You have a list of your reading and roles in your folder. It is your job to complete this. You will have lots of class time to work on your role sheets and reading so please use it wisely as I know that many of you are busy with other activities at this time of year.

Last but not least, the December book orders are due this Wednesday as I'd like to put the order in early so we get our books in time for the holidays.

I hope you have a great evening.

Miss Keil

Sunday, November 26, 2006

It was JUST SO good!

Good morning everyone,

Just a few notes for this week. I listed everything due on Monday last week and there is nothing new to add to that list. The first impressions (in your journals) of Just So are not due tomorrow. I will give you time to add more to these during Arts Ed and we will also have an Author's Chair so we can share our impressions.

Tomorrow, we will begin our new spelling unit first thing. Then, I will go over the expectations of literature circles and show you what you will need to do with your group. You will have about 45 minutes to discuss the first few chapters of your book with your group. Each member will share their role and discuss their opinions and predictions based on the roles that you have done.

In Science, we will be doing research for our report on famous earthquakes. If you have information you want to bring from home, that would be great! We will be exploring the following list of links from a Hotlist I created. I am also going to do a mini-lesson on the structure of a research paper and on how to write a bibliography.

I hope you had a good day with Mr. Maier. I'll see you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Field Trip Tomorrow

Hi everyone,

The big day has finally arrived and I just wish the weather would have co-operated better (by the is on your spelling test on Friday..don't forget the hyphen!) So, we will meet tomorrow morning at 8:15 am as planned. If we get to Regina later than expected, that's fine. I have let the museum know that we might be a bit late. I sent a note home for drivers regarding the trip and tried to provide you with some useful directions. I will lead the way. The first stop is quite easy to get to..just follow Albert St (it's the road you are on when you enter the city) until you reach College Avenue. Turn left on College Avenue and it's on your right. Turn right and you enter the parking lot.

Homework and upcoming assignments are as follows:

1) Math Page 54 - All (Due Monday)
2) Mrs. Frisby Novel Study Project (Due Monday)
3) Literature Circle Reading and Role (Due Monday for your group meeting)
4) Math Test on Multiplication (Tuesday)- This will include multiplying by multiples of 10, 100, 1000; estimating products; multiplying double-digit numbers; multiplying 3-digit numbers using a calculator
5) Social Studies Test (Next Thursday)

* You will have lots of time to work on the above assignments on Friday.

Remember, I will collect your reading logs on Monday and book orders by next Wednesday.

Friday is the hot dog sale day and also crazy hair day.

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Literature Circles are Underway!

Hi everyone,

Today was our first Literature Circle meeting. All groups made a schedule for due dates over the next five weeks. Remember, you MUST finish your reading and assigned role sheet in time for each meeting. Our first group meeting is on next Monday and then all meetings will be on Fridays until Christmas time.
If you aren't sure about what to do for you role, please e-mail me at and I'd be happy to help explain in more detail. We will have more instruction on specific roles over the next few weeks. Each role sheet does a good job of explaining what is to be done as well.

Homework for tomorrow is as follows:

1) Spelling Unit 10 as assigned on Monday
2) Math Textbook Pages 52-53 and your corrections for Pages 50-51
3) Bring supplies to work on your Mrs. Frisby project tomorrow

Other notables:

- Hot dog sale money is due tomorrow
- Reading logs will be collected next Monday
- Please keep reminding me about your student goals if you need my assistance.
- Book orders are due next week Wednesday so I can get them here in time for Christmas

That's it for tonight!

Miss Keil

PS- I am sending a note home tomorrow for the field trip drivers with directions and more specific information about the trip.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A different perspective

The classroom definitely looks different now with the new seating plan. We'll have some great conversations in our groups over the next few weeks until Christmas.

As for homework:

1) Spelling Unit 10 is due on Wednesday.
2) Mrs. Frisby Novel Study Project is due next week Monday. We'll have time to work on these Wednesday and Friday during classtime so bring any supplies you may need.
3) Social Studies Test is next week on Thursday

Just a reminder that book orders for December are due next week Wednesday. Also, there is a hot dog sale this Friday and you need to pre-order. Make sure to bring your money and order forms tomorrow or Wednesday.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Friday, November 17, 2006

Have a great weekend!


Thanks to everyone for coming to the interviews and a big pat on the back to the kids for doing a great job of leading the conferences. I was very impressed! I learned a lot throughout the process and appreciated all of the feedback. It's the first time I have officially done 3-way conferences so it was a learning experience for me too.

Homework for this weekend:

1) We will have a quiz on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH on Monday. This will include some comprehension questions (multiple choice) and some vocabulary questions (matching and multiple choice). We'll play a review game before we have the quiz to help you succeed!
2) Consider what you would like to do for your Mrs. Frisby final project. We'll work on these next week.

Other notes:

- I'll send a note home on Monday with respect to drivers and passenges for our field trip on Thursday.
- We are going to be starting literature circles on Monday. I'll explain more next week.
- You will receive your Unit 10 spelling assignment on Monday morning as bell work and be given time to work on it at that time.

As promised, here is the website for Just So, the play we will be watching next week. Check it out and listen to some of the music from the play.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

Miss Keil

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another week is almost over already...

Good evening,

Here's what up for tomorrow:

1) Math Pages 50-51 is due.
2) Mrs. Frisby Questions are due.
3) I promise to check your spelling homework. We've been distracted by portfolios.
4) With that said, we'll be practicing our 3-way conferences tomorrow as well so everyone is ready to go!
5) Book Fair is tomorrow. We are going at 2pm and you can either purchase books or make a wishlist for when your parents come.
6) If you took home your green conference sheets, make sure this is completed as well.

PLEASE, if you haven't yet brought your forms and money for the field trip, do it tomorrow because I have to arrange drivers and fill out some forms of my own for the division.

Finally, I'd appreciate it if you could bring back the pre-conference forms. I realize that your parents are also very busy during the week but it's nice to have that information. If you aren't able to bring it back this week, please bring it back next week because I think the information is still very valuable.

Thanks and have a good night!

Miss Keil

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another short week

Good evening!

Time is sure flying by. It's hard to believe that Christmas is just over 5 weeks away. We've also been very busy because of the lack of school days lately. Here's what due tomorrow:

1) Spelling Unit 9
2) Guidance homework on co-operatives and the chart on your personal abilities. The ones we did together in class don't count..sorry!
3) Mrs. Frisby Vocabulary Sheet
4) Social Studies Maps

In other news,

- Thanks for bringing back your forms for the field trip so promptly. A big thank you to the parents that are willing to help out with driving! It is greatly appreciated. I'll send a list of drivers and passengers home this week.

That's it for tonight.

Miss Keil

Monday, November 13, 2006

It Wasn't Pretty

Hi everyone,

I hope that you have all had a good break despite the convincing loss by the Saskatchewan Roughriders. It sure would have been exciting to see them win that game but they were totally outplayed so it'll be interesting to see what happens now.

I have to admit that it's been nice to stay in Regina for an extra day this weekend. It feels a bit less rushed than usual. It was also a relief to get home after the terrible road conditions we had to drive through to get to Saskatoon for the teacher's convention. That was a very stressful experience! The good news is that I got some great teaching ideas at the convention for some fun and educational lessons over the next little while.

So, here's the homework and important information you need to know this week:

1) Spelling is due on Wednesday. If you haven't started and aren't sure what the assignment is, call a friend. We all wrote it down last week Tuesday as bell work.
2) Social Studies maps are due on Wednesday. I know that many of you were able to complete these last week. Make sure you label the maps with pencil first and check over the spelling and neatness before you use pen.
3) Math (Finish the patterns on the bottom of the page. We'll correct both pages tomorrow.)
4) DARE Essays are due tomorrow. Please ensure that you have all drafts to hand in. I will be marking them myself and selecting a couple to be read at the DARE grad ceremony. Constable Boyko expects to be with us tomorrow afternoon unless something else comes up.

Also, please REMEMBER:

- Bring your forms back for our field trip to Regina on November 23rd. I need the forms and money back ASAP (as soon as possible) so I can fill out even more forms regarding drivers and passengers.

This week, we will be preparing our portfolios for the 3-way conferences and doing some practice so everyone is ready to go.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Monday, November 06, 2006

A short week!

Good evening,

First of all, a big apology to those students that scan my blog rather than read it. I wanted to tease you but not cause a major heart attack. It's a good thing that you're all young!

Here's the homework for tonight and the near future:

1) Math - Pages 46-47 on Multiplication
2) Spelling - Unit 9 assignment is due on Wednesday, November 15th
3) Social Studies Maps are due on Wednesday, November 15th
4) Mrs. Frisby questions on the current chapters are due this Wednesday.
5) DARE essays are due next week Tuesday (November 14th)

Remember that there is no school this Thursday or Friday because of the Teacher's Convention. Also, next Monday is the Remembrance Day holiday so you've got that day off too.

Just a note:
- Wear dark clothes on Wednesday for our special ceremony
- Wednesday is the last day for book orders for November and the special holiday gift order. I have no clue what's taking the October order so long. It was shipped out last week Monday so it should be here any day now.

Have a great night and I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Go Riders Go!

I hope tbat everyone plans to watch the Rider game tomorrow and cheer as hard as they can. I have to admit I don't have a really positive feeling about the game but anything can happen in the playoffs.

It was a really busy week with Halloween, a special presentation and preparing for Remembrance Day. For some of you, it will be a busy weekend depending on how much you accomplished during the week.

Homework for next week is as follows:

1) Remembrance Day Posters are due on Monday. This is non-negotiable as the posters are to be posted in the gym by Tuesday.

2) Remembrance Day Writing Pieces. You may write either a poem or a piece of prose. This is also due on Monday so I can mark and judge our class writing and submit the top three to the Legion by Wednesday. Remember that prose can be no more than 350 words and poems can be no more than 32 lines.

3) Math Tests. Please make your corrections and have your parents sign it. Return it on Monday please.

4) Spelling Work. Units 9 and 10 (All) are due this Monday. (Just Kidding! NO SPELLING IS DUE NEXT WEEK since we only have three days of school. I'll let you know that assignment next week and it will be due the following Wednesday instead.)

5) Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH vocabulary sheet

6) French - Pages 9-11. Almost everyone is finished this already but I thought I'd mention it anyway. I'll ask to have these handed in by next Wednesday.

I hope everyone has a good weekend. The weather looks a bit better at least.

Once again, Let's go Riders!

Miss Keil

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's been a busy week.

Hi everyone,

First of all, I am sorry that I haven't posted much this week but I've been completely absorbed with report cards and really haven't had a spare moment.

Assignment due dates are as follows:

- Mrs. Frisby vocabulary sheets are due on Monday.
- Math test corrections are due on Monday. Make sure your parents sign these.
- Remembrance Day posters are due on Monday as well as these need to be ready for display. We will begin typing out good copies of our writing pieces tomorrow afternoon.

Please remember to bring back the Parent-Teacher Interview forms. If you have misplaced yours, please ask for another at the office tomorrow.

Book orders should arrive soon since they were shipped on Monday. I know it's taking a while but there's nothing that can be done about that so we just have to be patient.

The Remembrance Day ceremony will be held next Wednesday at 11am. Please wear dark clothes to show your respect for those brave soldiers that gave their lives for our country.

Remember that there is no school next Thursday and Friday or the following Monday because of Teacher's Convention and the Remembrance Day holiday.

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil