Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Swoosh Swoosh

It's ski trip time again and hopefully you will be able to go this permitting of course! Make sure to bring your money in early.

- Science Test tomorrow (Just based on the review sheet.)
- Math Review is due tomorrow (Measuring angles and drawing lines and line segments)
- Spelling assignment is due tomorrow
- Spelling and Math Tests are on Friday (Unit 16 words)
- Friendship stories are due on Monday
- Guidance homework is due next Monday

You will have time to type stories out tomorrow at school OR to work on your art projects online.

The math test is quite long but I am confident you will all do very well. It includes the following topics:

- Measuring, labelling, and drawing angles (acute, obtuse, straight, right)
- Identifying polygons and non-polygons
- Labelling regular polygons
- Defining quadrilaterals (squares, rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, trapezoids, iscoleles trapezoids)
- Drawing and labelling lines, line segments, points, and rays
- Defining perpendicular, intersecting, and parallel lines

I think that's it. I'll double check the test and add any parts I have missed tomorrow.

Have a good night!

Miss Keil

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Back on track!

Hi everyone,

I am back on track with blogging now that report cards are finished. They will be sent out this Friday.

Homework and assignments coming up are as follows:

Due tomorrow:
- Spelling (Just the first two pages are due tomorrow and only the questions that were assigned on Monday.)
- Science Review Sheet on Volcanoes (Do your best and we'll correct it tomorrow)
- Math Review Sheet on polygons and lines (I think everyone is finished this already.)

For Thursday:
- Science Test on the volcano information
- The remainder of the spelling assignment
- Math Review Sheet (Measuring Angles, Drawing lines)

For Friday:
- Math Test on the geometry we have studied thus far (lines, polygons, measuring and labelling angles)
- French vocabulary on clothing so we can make flashcards
- Spelling Test

For next Monday:
- Friendship Stories (Please include: Cover page, good copy, rough copies, peer revision sheet, peer editing sheet and your pre-writing.) Staple the cover page and good copy together and paper clip the rest together with your good copy. Ask if you're not sure what I mean.

That's all I can think of right now.

Other news:
- We are ice skating on Friday at 9 am. Please come to school a bit early so we can leave as soon as possible.
- Bring Subway money if you want a sub next week.

Have a great night. For a special treat tomorrow, write "Valentine" in your day planner since it's almost that time of year again.

See you tomorrow,
Miss Keil

Art Website for Art Historians

The Birth of Venus Information

Friday, January 26, 2007

All About Art - Painting Styles

For painting styles, look at the artwork and decide upon the style based on the definitions on this website.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Good evening,

Sorry this is such a late post but I'm working on report cards and will be doing more of the same for the next couple of nights. I'm also busy with coaching curling and basketball so it's a bit tough to keep this up to date right now but I'll try my best.

Homework for tomorrow:
- Math : Pages 82-83 (All except for keeping sharp - feel free to do it if you want.)
Math Problems (Week 18 - Mon/Tues)

- Spelling : Pg. 69 #1,2 and Page 70 #1(a.b) are due tomorrow while the rest of the assignment is due on Thursday.

- Science Test on Earthquakes on Thursday : You will get the study sheet tomorrow. It's more of a review and check than a test so please don't stress too much over this. You will all do fine!

- Health Homework is due tomorrow. (Same, different, unique characteristics among people and your examples can be physical characteristics or based on people's personalities)

Other notes:

- No skating this Friday due to morning assembly and the pancake breakfast. I am not able to reschedule..sorry! We will go again next week Friday.

- Book orders are due this Friday

- PJ and Pancake breakfast day is this Friday. Come early to eat!

Have a great night. Please make sure you keep up with your day planners this week as I am not sure I will post for the rest of the week.

Miss Keil

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ice Skating

Good evening,

I checked the schedule for ice skating and we are definitely going from 9-10 am on Fridays. I don't know why I thought it was later. Make sure you have your skates and helmets ready to go right away. Just bring your things into class and leave your jackets on so we can leave right after announcements and attendance.

- French Quiz on the colours
- Spelling Test on Unit 14
- Math corrections on your test are due (and parents need to sign as well)

Other news:
- I will be away on Monday with the curling team and Mr. Maier will be in for me.
- Don't forget that Chili and a Bun money is due on Monday

Finally, a big congratulations goes out to Clayton for winning our classroom spelling bee. I was very impressed with everyone's performances throughout the past couple of weeks. There were some very tough words!

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Spelling Bee

Hi everyone,

Just a big pat on the back to everyone for the great effort on your literature circle group projects. The effort put into the presentations was impressive. We have some very good actors in our class.

Some of the due dates coming up are as follows:

- Spelling Unit 14 Work is due tomorrow
- Spelling Bee will be tomorrow (Good luck to everyone!)
- Social Studies Homework
- Math : Page 76 #1-4 and Page 77 #1-17

Other notes:
- There is a French quiz on the colours this Friday
- We are ice skating this Friday. I thought I booked us in at 10-11am but have heard different schedules were seen so I'll check into this tomorrow and let you know.
- Chili and a Bun money is due next Monday (lunch is next Thursday, Jan. 25th)
- PJ Day and a pancake breakfast will be on Friday, January 26th
- Basketball is cancelled for tomorrow after school because of the Grade 7/8 field trip to Saskatoon. We'll practise again next Tuesday.

Have a good evening!

Miss Keil

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Missing Masterpieces Webquest

Missing Masterpieces Webquest

Science games anyone?

Happy Sunday everyone!

If you have some time on your hands, try playing some science games at this website.

Engaging Science

Also, remember that has great math games to help you practice for your test on Tuesday.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Friday, January 12, 2007

Just a regular day

Hi everyone,

It was really nice to have a regular school day today after all the bad weather this week. Since a few students were still missing, I'll go over what we did today in addition to listing the homework.

- Spelling Test on Unit 13
- Spelling corrections for Unit 13
- Worked on literature circle group projects
- Math: Division practice sheet ; Page 172-173 on Prime and Composite Numbers
- Arts Ed: We made pictures for the bulletin board on this month's virtue of courtesy.
- PE: Speed Stacking
- Math Review game for our test on Monday

Homework for Monday:
- Math : Pages 172-173 (Do all questions including the 'Keeping Sharp' section)
- Literature Circle Group Presentations

Homework for Tuesday:
- Math : Page 68 - Odd Questions from #1-51 (I will give you the answers on Monday so you can use these questions to help you study. Do the questions and check your correctness as you go.)
- Math Test on Tuesday on division (short and long division, prime and composite numbers)

I also sent a note home for parents with respect to some things going on in our classroom. If you weren't at school today, I'll paste the letter here so you can read it too.

Here it is:

Dear Family,

I am writing to let you know about a few things going on in our classroom in the next little while. First, we are going to be ice skating over the next couple of months on Fridays from 10-11 am. If the wind chill is below or even near -40 Celsius, we will not be going.

Our class supply of Kleenex is also very low at the moment so I’d appreciate it if everyone could bring another box of tissues to get us through the rest of the school year. Also, many students need to replace some essential school supplies so please check with your child to ensure they aren’t missing anything they need at school. Some examples are scissors, glue, or rulers. We will be starting a unit on geometry after our division test next week so every child will need to have a geometry set ready to go.

Finally, Fay Shiloff, the health nurse will be coming next Monday and Wednesday to teach the topic of puberty. The class on Monday will be a brief introduction to the topic and Fay will be sending information home with each student to be discussed with parents. On Wednesday, she will be discussing the topic more in depth. The information sent home on Monday will give you a good idea about what will be covered.

If you have any questions, please let me know. I can be contacted most easily by e-mail at as it’s difficult to get to the phone during the school day. I also check my work e-mail a couple times over the weekend.

See everyone on Monday. Have a great weekend and let's hope it warms up soon!

Miss Keil

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hi everyone,

This week has been very interesting weather wise! Because of the weather, many students haven't been able to make it to school. As a result, we will not be having our group presentations in ELA tomorrow or our math test. We will have the presentations on Monday and the math test on Tuesday instead. As for the spelling assignment that was due today, we'll correct it tomorrow.

Also, we are not going to go ice skating tomorrow because of the cold weather. It's just too cold to walk to the rink. Hopefully, the weather improves next week and we will go then.

I think that's about it for news.

Stay warm!

Miss Keil

Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy New Year!

If you can't see the blog from January 11th, then please click on instead.

It was great to see everyone today. Some of us were a bit sluggish but we'll get back into the swing of things in no time. As I mentioned today, report cards are less than a month away so make sure you are working hard and putting a good effort into your work.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Spelling - Page 60 #1-5 (The rest is due on Thursday but you could finish it all tonight!)

For Friday, we'll have the Literature Circle group presentations. We will also have a math test on our division unit on Friday as well. This will include short division, long division, division rules, factors, and prime and composite numbers. We will learn about the last couple of concepts in that list tomorrow and Wednesday.

We will be skating on Fridays at 10am until further notice. I believe we are scheduled until the end of February. Make sure you bundle up if it's cold outside because the weather forecast seems to be predicting some arctic type temperatures by the end of the week.

Once again, I hope that everyone has a wonderful new year.

Miss Keil

The Factor Game

Check out this website for lots of fun with factors and multiples.

The Factor Game