Saturday, September 30, 2006


Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a good weekend. The weather in Regina today is's 24 degrees and there is almost no wind. I am looking forward to the football game tonight.

The kids truly had a blast yesterday at Gym Blast. They screamed almost non-stop for two hours. I was saving my voice for the football game tonight. Amazingly, I didn't have a headache at the end of it all. In fact, it was a lot of fun watching the students have such a good time. Many students were curious about the website where pictures will be posted. Here's the link: Gym Blast.

Since we were busy yesterday with CAT tests and Gym Blast, there is really no homework for the weekend. The only homework assigned is in French.

1) French Booklet (Pages 3-7) - Due Wednesday, October 4th
2) French Quiz on the days of the week and months of the year (includes spelling the words correctly) -Friday, October 6th

Other notes:

- Picture Orders are due on October 2nd
- Thanksgiving Forms must come back by Monday (If you have lost yours, please have your parents send a note letting me know what type of dessert you plan on bringing and a loonie for the turkey.)
-We will commence with our spelling words again on Monday. Bring your spelling textbook to class on Monday morning please!
-Students will have their first immunizations on the morning of October 11th.

Enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend.

Miss Keil

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gym Blast is here!

Tomorrow afternoon is Gym Blast. Students are encouraged to dress up in their house colours to get into the spirit of the event. The colours are as follows:

Red- Cardinals
Yellow- Hawks
Blue- Pandas
Green- Tomahawks

We'll have a busy day tomorrow. We have an assembly at 9 am to recognize each class in the school and their achievements thus far. After that, we've got a couple of short sections left on the CAT test and then it's done!

The afternoon is dedicated to Gym Blast and having a great time.

Homework for tomorrow:

- Leaf Pictures for Art
- Mental Math Questions (1-8) Do these in your head. If you want to check your answer using the old fashioned pencil and paper method, you can. However, mental math is very important for real life situations so please try using the strategies outlined on your homework sheet.

Also, I will check reading logs tomorrow so don't forget to bring these.

Ming tian jian! (See you tomorrow)

Miss Keil

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Wacky Wednesday was a wacky afternoon with students making up chants and getting paint all over the place while making their house banners. I can tell that Friday afternoon is going to be a screaming good time. : )

We were still working on CAT tests today. There are three sections to go but we'll have it done by the end of the week. It's taken away time from other things spelling. We'll begin our regular spelling lists again on Monday.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Math Problem 4: Making an Organized List (The key word here is "organized" so that the correct number of combinations can be found easily. Try not to pick random arrangements as this makes finding the solution very difficult.)
2) Science- Complete the questions on atoms and electricity. Draw an atom and answer the other two questions on that page.

Dates to keep in mind:

- Chocolate Bar Sale money is due this Friday.
- Reading Logs for September are due this Friday (I'll still count pages if you hand these in late but you won't be recognized for monthly awards as I plan on doing this on the weekend.)
- Thanksgiving money and notes are due Friday
- Picture Orders are due on October 2nd

Finally, PIZZA DAY for those of you who ordered it will happen this Friday.

That's it for today.

Miss Keil

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fun fun fun

Yes, we are going to have fun in the next few days. Tomorrow, students will meet with their houses to make banners and create songs for Gym Blast on Friday afternoon. I'll let students know what colours they are tomorrow. I know that Cardinals are Red and Hawks are Yellow. I believe that Pandas are Blue and Tomahawks are Green. I'll confirm this tomorrow.

I sent a note home today about the Thanksgiving Feast. Please fill it out and return it by this Friday so everything can get organized. We get to bring desserts...yum!

Parents..if you're reading this...make sure your child lets you know how they did on their math quizzes from Friday. They were to write their grade in their agendas.

Homework for tomorrow:

- Mrs. Frisby vocabulary for Chapters 6-10. It's the vocabulary sheet with matching and multiple choice. You DON'T need to do the questions yet.

- Electricity tracking worksheet for Science. I'll collect these tomorrow..try to fill it up. You can include items from today as well.

We will do the math portion of the CAT test tomorrow. It takes about 40 minutes.

Enjoy your evening...'Dancing With the Stars' is on if you're into that kind of thing. I love that show.

Miss Keil

Monday, September 25, 2006

Autumn is definitely here

It was a beautiful afternoon today. The class went outside for a little bit to find autumn leaves for our art projects. We still have a ways to go with these so there is no due date as of yet.

Homework for tomorrow:

1) Keep track of what you use electricity for today. Students began their lists at school today and are to continue the list until they go to bed. That includes any electricity family members use. Use an extra piece of paper if you run out of room.

2) First draft (Rough draft) of stories. I will teach a mini-lesson on revising tomorrow to further clarify this step of the writing process.

Other things to note:

- Gym Blast this Friday. Students are encouraged to dress from head to toe in their house colours. We'll be making banners and creating house chants on Wednesday afternoon. Gym Blast will take place Friday afternoon. I am really looking forward to it as it sounds like a lot of fun!

- Social Studies Maps are due this Wednesday for Mrs. Tan.

- Tomorrow is the last day to bring money for Pizza Day.

- Please remember to bring your forms back for the immunizations. The health nurse will be coming to begin immunizations shortly after Thanksgiving.

- Speaking of Thanksgiving, the 'E' Wing will be having its annual Thanksgiving dinner the Thursday before the Thanksgiving weekend. Our class will be making desserts. I will be sending a note home with more details this week.

Have a good night.

Miss Keil

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Way to go Riders!

I just got back from the football game. That was very exciting and a tad bit stressful at times.

Homework for the next couple of days:

1) Word Wizard for ELA is due. Students need to find words they don't know (or just challenging words) and complete the worksheet.

2) Rough Drafts of stories due on Tuesday

We will be starting CAT tests tomorrow and these will take about an hour each day during the upcoming week.

Also, intramural noon hour sports begin tomorrow and they will run Monday and Wednesdays for Grade 5 and 6 students. All teams will play for at least part of each day. I am supervising this so let me know if you have any questions. Students can check the intramural bulletin board for the schedule of games.

That's it for now...see you tomorrow bright and early.

Miss Keil

Thursday, September 21, 2006


It's almost Friday!

For homework, students have a review sheet on scientific notation to complete as I know that some students are having difficulty with this concept. For some extra information on how to do the questions, check out the aaamath website. It even has an online practice activity for more reinforcement.

Another website that explains how to write scientific notation quite clearly is here.

In addition to scientific notation, the quiz tomorrow has questions on:
- Rounding Numbers
- Writing numbers in different forms (expanded form, standard form)
- Ordering and comparing numbers
- Understanding place value (ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, etc.)

I hope everyone has a great night. Let me know if you need more help with scientific notation and I'd be happy to spend some extra time before or after school next week.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A busy day

We had lots of excitement today. The public health nurse came to talk to the class about Hepatitis B vaccinations. Each student was given permission forms to take home for parents to sign and return to the school. Please have the formed filled out and returned as soon as possible.

There are many other important dates to keep in mind:

September 26th- Pizza Sale Pre-Orders Due
September 29th- Chocolate Sale Deadline Date
October 2nd- Picture Orders Due (A late fee applies to orders after this date.)

Homework for tomorrow is:
1) Math review sheets on place value (All)
2) Math quiz on Friday.

Students will be assigned study hall starting tomorrow if homework is not complete. Each student has one free pass per term (four altogether).

That's it for today. Good luck selling the chocolates everyone!

Wan An! (That's good night in Chinese)

Miss Keil

Sunday, September 17, 2006

It's cold out there.

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend (for students).

Just a reminder, there is no school for students on Monday as teachers have an inservice. The homework for this weekend is:

1) Math questions on scientific notation. Please do all questions. (#1-44)

2) Complete the rough copies of your poems inspired by Vivaldi's Four Seasons. You need to write one poem about each season. You can describe images of the season, things you like to do during that season, or think of how each season makes you feel.

Everyone deserves a big pat on the back for their enthusiasm in the Terry Fox Walk on Friday afternoon. It was a bit crowded in the gym but everyone did a great job.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend despite the poor weather.

See you on Tuesday morning.

Miss Keil

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Happy Tuesday!

For tomorrow, there are two assignments due:

1) Social Studies Globes for Mrs. Tan
2) Science Posters (Group Work) and Presentation

For Thursday:
1) Spelling Pages 13-15

For Friday:
1) French Crossword Puzzle and Wordsearch
2) Autumn Pictures (inspired by Vivaldi's Four Seasons)

Remember that this Friday is the Terry Fox Run. Please bring a dollar to help support the Terry Fox Foundation. For families that want to donate more, please write a cheque to the Terry Fox Foundation. You will receive a receipt when you give $10.00 or more.

Once again, have a great evening. It sounds like this great weather isn't going to last much longer.

Miss Keil

Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday Monday...

First, it sounded like everyone had a great time at the dance on Friday which is great to hear!

There isn't a lot of homework for this evening. You need to complete:

1) Spelling Pages 11-12 (All Questions) -It is not necessary to write the questions out. Just make sure that you number or letter everything as required.

That's about it for tonight! Remember the following due dates as well.

1) Social Studies Globes for Wednesday
2) Science Posters and Presentations on Wednesday
3) French Crossword Puzzle on the Months of the Year and the Wordsearch on the calendrier vocabulary.

Enjoy the beautiful weather while we've got it.

Also, please remember to keep refilling those water bottles because it gets awfully warm in the classroom and it's important to stay hydrated.

Have a good night!

Miss Keil

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tomorrow is a BIG Day


It seems like everything is happening tomorrow.

First, here's the homework that needs to be completed:

1) Story (including the pre-writing, first draft, good copy and cover page)
2) Spelling Homework (Pages 6-10) -Only do the questions assigned
3) Study for the spelling quiz tomorrow. Don't forget to study the challenge words on page 9. I will choose 20 words for the quiz.

As for special events and deadlines tomorrow:

- Book Orders are due
- Art Contest Submissions are due
- Picture Day
- School Dance (7-11pm...Free to $3.00 Admission)

Our pictures will be taken tomorrow afternoon. We will not be having PE until after the pictures are taken...sorry kids but you'll thank me later in life. It might be a good idea to bring a hair brush or comb along since we are having our pictures taken later on in the day.

Have a great evening...see you tomorrow for a wonderfully busy day.

Miss Keil

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thanks for Coming!

First, to the parents...

Thanks so much for coming out tonight. It was nice to meet you and I look forward to working with you this year. I hope you didn't suffer from information overload...there is a lot to say in a short time. I know I missed some things but you should be able to find what you need in the information provided.

As for the students...

Remember to finish your Math #2-8 on rounding numbers in Journeys in Math.

Also, the good copy of your story will be due this Friday. It can either be typed or handwritten neatly. You will need to hand in the following with your story to show your process:

1) Pre-Writing
2) First Draft (Rough Copy)
3) Good Copy
4) A Cover Page (with a title, an illustration and your name)

Have a good evening...enjoy the beautiful weather we're having.

Miss Keil

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Meet the Teacher Night!

Hi everyone,

Please come out tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 7:30pm to find out more information about the school year. I am looking forward to meeting more of you.

As for the students, there is no homework tonight. However, the good copies of your stories will be due on Thursday. We have some computer time tomorrow so you can work on typing them out during classtime.

Have a good evening and I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Labour Day Weekend!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are having a great weekend.

There is only one assignment for homework this weekend:

- Complete the first draft of your story. Remember, the first draft of your story doesn't need to be revised or edited. You simply need to finish writing your story so that we can begin the next step in the writing process: REVISING. If you are really energetic, you can begin revising on your own at home. REVISING means making big changes to your writing. For example, you might want to add more details about your characters or plot or you may decide that you need to cross some parts out.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and cheer hard for the Roughriders tonight!

See you on Tuesday morning!

PS- If you want to contact me outside of school hours, please e-mail me at I check my e-mail on a regular basis so this is a good way to get a hold of me.