Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Last post until after Christmas!

Hi everyone,

There isn't much new to report since we've been busy with the Christmas Concert this week.

Due this week:

1) Math - Page 66 #1-4
2) Literature Circle Reading and Role is due on Friday, December 22nd.

Other notes:

- Remember your gift if you are doing the Secret Santa exchange. Many of you have already brought yours.
- Friday is red, white and green colours. Dress up and show your school spirit!
- Wear nice clothes for the Christmas Concert. In other words, dress up in your nicest outfit. We don't have to wear a special uniform for our song.
- Finally, if you want to bring a snack on Friday to share with everyone, that would be fine.

See you all tomorrow!

I'd just like to wish everyone a fantastic holiday season. I hope you all get what it is you want for Christmas. Remember that it's the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving! I'll post a couple of times during the holidays so keep checking in for some fun activities. :) If you get bored, you can e-mail me at and I promise to write back.

Miss Keil

PS- The secret words are "Ho Ho Helping Santa".

Monday, December 18, 2006

Practising hard!

Hi everyone,

Sorry this is so late. There isn't much new to report.

Just make sure to finish your math for tomorrow: Page 65 #4-10. You already know about Science and Social Studies.

A couple other reminders, Friday is red, white and green day. Also, tomorrow is Subway Day for us so if you ordered a sub, you don't need to bring a lunch.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

PS- The secret word is "Angel".

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Science Websites

Earthquake Do's and Don'ts

Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Quiz

One more week 'til the big day!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a great weekend. The weather here in Regina hasn't been's been extremely windy!

I am going to try to list the upcoming events for this week. If I miss anything, I'll post them tomorrow.

First, the major assignments are:

1) Science Earthquake Reports are due on Tuesday. Don't forget to include all the parts: Title Page, Map, Report, Bibliography, All Rough Copies (If you need extra time on the computer, stay after school on Monday and I'll give you a computer pass.)
2) Social Studies Timelines are due on Wednesday
3) There will be NO spelling assignment this week.

I know that many students in our class have parts in the Christmas Concert. I am going to keep the homework load light to none this week. Please practice your lines and do your part to make the play a success. It will make the practices go much more smoothly for everyone.

This week's schedule:
- Monday morning, we are practising our song in the gym at 9:45 am
- Monday afternoon, the choir will go carolling from 1:45-2:30 pm at the Lodge
- Tuesday afternoon, we will help set up chairs in the gym for the concert
- Tuesday is Subway day for us
- Wednesday morning is our rehearsal for the Christmas Concert
- Thursday afternoon is the afternoon Christmas Concert
- Friday morning, we have our "Compassion Assembly", Literature Circle Meetings, Ice Skating, Gift Exchange, and the Safety Patroller Dance, then early dismissal at 2:30 pm

I will continue to write the daily agenda on the board so please READ IT as there will be many changes to our regular schedule this week.

Have a great week!

Miss Keil

PS- The secret word for Monday's dayplanner is "Peace".

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

... and also the busiest. Our schedule at school is pretty irregular right now but we just have to make do!

There isn't much homework for tomorrow, but make sure you've got everything ready for Friday.

For tomorrow:

1) Please complete the guidance worksheet on your predictions for the future. For example, number 1 should be a prediction for how clothes will be washed.

2) Math - Page 64 #1-3 (Do a really thorough job of these)

For Friday:

1) Literature Circle Reading and Roles
2) French Re-test

We are skating again this Friday so remember your skates and helmets.

Have a good night!

Miss Keil

PS- The secret words for tomorrow are "Santa Claus".

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Spell "chimichanga"

Hi everyone,

That spelling bee was fun this morning. We'll definitely do lots more practice before the real thing after Christmas.

Homework for tomorrow is as follows:

1) Math - Page 63 #11-20
2) Spelling - Unit 12 as assigned on Monday

Please check yesterday's post for other due dates coming up.

See you tomorrow for what I hope is a relatively peaceful day,

Miss Keil

PS- The secret word for tomorrow is "Snowflake". Once again, write it in your dayplanner for a special treat!

Monday, December 11, 2006

It's coming...

Christmas is just days away now.

Here's what's new this week:

1) Math - Page 62 #1-3 and Page 63 #1-10 is due tomorrow
2) String Art Snowmen are due tomorrow
3) Spelling Unit 12 is due on Wednesday
4) French Re-test on Friday (Required for scores under 60%)

For next week:

1) Science Reports are due next week Tuesday, December 19th
2) Social Studies Timelines are due Wednesday, December 20th

We are going to have a Christmas Gift Exchange for those wanting to participate. Gifts should be approximately 5-10 dollars. Please bring the gifts anytime next week to ensure they aren't forgotten when we exchange them on Friday. We will pick names tomorrow and remember to keep it a secret!

There will be a Patroller's Dance on December 22nd from 1-2:15 pm. There will be early dismissal at 2:30pm that day as well.

See you tomorrow!

Miss Keil

PS- If you write the secret word "Frosty" in your dayplanner to show you've read my blog, I'll give you a treat.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

15 days 'til Christmas

Hi class,

I hope that you are having a good weekend. Jeremy and I got our Christmas tree yesterday which was quite exciting. It looks and smells great.

Upcoming assignments:

1) Math - Page 61 #9-19
I also found a great website that describes in detail how to do long division if you are having difficulty catching on. It also has some great practice questions too. Go to Cool Math 4 Kids and check it out.

2) String Art Snowmen are due on Tuesday. We will have a half an hour to work on these tomorrow.

3) Spelling Test on Unit 12 will be this Friday

4) Literature Circle Reading and Roles will be due this Friday as scheduled

5) Science Research Projects will be due on Tuesday, December 19th. We will have a couple more class periods to work on it this week.

Other notes:

1) Subway sandwich day money is due this upcoming Friday

2) We are skating again this Friday. If you have some old skates or helmets lying around and can lend them to the students that don't have any, it would be greatly appreciated! We will skate from 10-11 again like last Friday.

3) Remember to bring an item for the food bank if you haven't done that already.

Finally, if you have an acting part in the Christmas concert, Mrs. Hermann may be asking you to practise during classtime this week and next week. If this happens, make sure you catch up on any work or worktime (i.e. Science computer time) that you may miss. Ask a friend to keep you informed.

Once again, have a great weekend and enjoy the warmer temperatures.

Miss Keil

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bring your skates!

Hi everyone,

Just a few things to note:

1) Ice Skating times will be as follows for December:
December 8th 10-11
December 15th 10-11
December 22nd 11-12

2)Math is due on Monday. You need to complete page 61 #9-19

3) There is no spelling test this week. We will be working on Unit 12 more next week.

4)Bring a good book tomorrow morning. It's 2006 Reading Day and we'll be reading for 2006 seconds or 33 1/2 minutes.

5) Study for your french quiz!

6) Reading Logs are due tomorrow and again on December 22nd

See you tomorrow,

Miss Keil

PS- Keep bringing items for the food bank and show your compassion and generosity!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

'Tis the season... be busy!

Yes, I know that some of you have your hands full this season. From my part, I will try my best to keep homework at a minimum. Make sure you work hard during class to help with this!

Homework for this week is as follows:

Due Wednesday:
1) Math- Page 60 #1-4 ; Page 61 #1-8 (Do all these questions regardless of what the textbook says)
2) Christmas Writing Piece (A short story, a poem, or a letter to Santa)

Due Thursday:
1) Spelling Unit 12: Page 55 #2,4 and Page 56 #8 (*Remember, there is no spelling test this week as we are going to spend more time working on Unit 12 next week. It's a long unit since it's a review of the previous few chapters.)
2) French Booklet - Page 14

Due Friday:

1) Literature circle reading and roles (Check your own schedule)
2) French Quiz on page 14. You will need to remember how to write the months of year in french. You will also need to study the meanings of the words and sentences on page 14 so you can answer the questions with the appropriate month.

Other important dates:

Friday, December 8th - Reading Logs Due
Friday, December 15th - Subway Forms Due
Tuesday, December 19th - Subway Lunch Day for 6K

Have a good night!

Miss Keil

Monday, December 04, 2006

DARE Grad Tomorrow

Hi everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your day off. Remember the following assignments:

1) Math -Page 58 All and Page 59 (Even numbers only)
2) 'Just So' First Impressions Journal Entry
3) Literature Circle Reading and Roles are due this Friday as usual
4) Remember to bring back your math test signed and corrected!

In other news:

- We are having DARE grad tomorrow afternoon. Your parents are invited to attend at 1:15 pm. The grad is for all Grade 5/6 students. There will be a pizza party following the grad ceremony. Please let your friends know especially if they don't check the blog regularly. Thanks!

I hope you have a good day and evening. I'll see you tomorrow.

Miss Keil